Take control of your personal info.

See for yourself:

try searching your info on this people search website: www.truepeoplesearch.com


Google your First name, Last name and State and see what is online!

Choose your starting point

Explore our data wipe packages

Basic Data Removal Package - $195 (One-Time Fee)

  • Comprehensive Data Scan:

    • We will check over 200 sites to identify where your personal information is exposed.

  • One-Time Data Removal:

    • Removal of your personal information from identified websites.

  • Priority Support:

    • Access to our dedicated support team for any concerns or issues.

12 Months Protection Package
$295 (One-Time Fee)

  • Comprehensive Data Scan:

    • We will check people search websites and complete data removal of over 200 sites.

  • 12 Months of Monitoring:

    • Continuous monitoring for a year to ensure your information remains off the web.

  • Priority Support:

    • Access to our dedicated support team for any concerns or issues.

Privacy Protection:

  • General Public: Individuals use these services to remove personal information from data broker sites, people search engines, and other online directories to protect their privacy. This includes eliminating details like home addresses, phone numbers, and other identifiable information that could lead to identity theft or unwanted solicitations.

  • Victims of Identity Theft or Harassment: For those who have been victims of identity theft, harassment, or stalking, these services can help in reducing the digital footprint that might be used against them.

Executive Protection:

  • High-Profile Individuals: Executives, celebrities, or public figures might use these services to minimize their exposure online, reducing risks associated with kidnapping, doxxing, or targeted harassment. This includes scrubbing information that could be used for physical or digital attacks.

Law Enforcement:

  • Undercover Operations: Officers or agents use this to lower their digital presence and maintain cover or protect their identities during and after operations.

  • Witness Protection: For individuals entering witness protection programs, removing personal information from the internet is crucial for their new identity's security.

Dating and Personal Relationships:

  • Privacy in Dating: People use these services before entering the dating scene to clean up their online presence, ensuring that potential partners or stalkers can't find too much personal information.

  • Post-Breakup: After a relationship ends, individuals might want to remove shared information or personal details that could be used inappropriately by an ex-partner.

Corporate Security:

  • Employee Privacy: Companies employ such services for their employees, especially those in sensitive positions, to protect corporate information from being linked to personal data that could be exploited for corporate espionage or to target employees.

  • Corporate Confidentiality: Removing information about key personnel or business activities can help maintain confidentiality, especially in industries where privacy is paramount (like tech, defense, or pharmaceuticals).

Avoiding Spam and Unsolicited Communications:

  • By removing personal details from public records and data broker sites, individuals can significantly reduce spam emails, calls, and marketing materials.

Jerry H.

“Within hours of starting the removal process, several sites had already taken down my information. Over the following days, the vast majority of my personal data was eliminated from the internet.”

Michelle M.

“I was horrified when I discovered just how much of my personal info was online.”

As seen in

“In a digital world where privacy is increasingly hard to maintain, Info Removal Services offers a way to regain control over your personal information and enjoy peace of mind. Don’t let your life be an open book – take control today with Info Removal Services.”

“Info Removal Services makes the process straightforward and effective. Whether you’re looking to remove your information from public records, reduce the volume of spam communications, or protect yourself from potential threats, Info Removal Services has a solution that can meet your needs.”